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Privacy Statement

We do not sell your personal information, period. We take the protection of personal data and privacy very seriously and we are committed to protecting your privacy.

Please take a few minutes to read this document which, together with our Cookie Policy (the Privacy Policy) explains how we process your

personal information and the choices you have. By proceeding to use this

site, you are accepting and consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy and to the way we process your personal information.

Our data protection statement aims to be easy to read and to understand for the public as well as by our guests and business partners. The data protection statement of our company is based on the terms that the European legislative and regulatory authority uses in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter called GDPR) but is not governed by it. We do our best to protect the personal information of all users of our site and we attempt to comply with our local data protection laws to the extent they apply to our Services.

The processing of personal data of a data subject, for instance, names, postal or e-mail addresses, and phone numbers, is carried out in accordance with the applicable laws of our jurisdiction and legal framework. If data processing is necessary, but there is no legal basis for such processing, we generally request consent from the data subject.

You should be aware that your personal information may be transferred to a location outside of your residence or the location at the time of your visit to our website, the laws of which may differ from the laws of your country. If you voluntarily submit personal information to us, you thereby consent to the general use of such information as provided in this Privacy Policy and to the transfer of that information to, and/or storage or processing of that information in, servers that may be located worldwide, and you understand that your information may be available to government authorities under lawful orders and laws applicable there. By requesting our Services, you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside of your country of residence, which may have different data protection rules than those of your country.

Important Note:

We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. By proceeding to use this site, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and their Terms

We use ClickSend as a communication software and tool for business, typically for sending you SMS, MMS, Voice, Email, Online Mail, and even Fax to ensure you may be notified about news, updates, your purchase process or as an answer to communications initiated by you. By proceeding to use this site, you agree and acknowledge that the phone or email information you provide will be transferred to ClickSend for processing in accordance with their Privacy & Legal policy.

You can revoke your declaration of consent with future effect at any time. In such case, please contact then the information controller. Contact information is indicated at the end of this privacy and data protection statement.


  • We take your privacy very seriously indeed. If you don’t want us to contact you for promotional purposes, we won’t (we will, of course, communicate with you in connection with any order you place, including order confirmation e-mails about that order). We will never sell your information.
  • We collect information to allow you to place orders with us and to improve your experience using our website. We diligently collect, track and interpret all data, including your personal information, which helps to reveal what users generally, and you specifically, like and don’t like about our website, content, and advertising.
  • We may share data with strategic, trusted partners (who may be located outside of your residence of jurisdiction at the time of visiting this website) so that we can better understand and improve the visitor experience and cater to your preferences.
  • You can always find out what information we hold about you, and you can always opt out, anytime, day or night (even on bank holidays).  
  • If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Information you give us when you:

  • register to use our website or create an account;
  • search for a product;
  • place an order;
  • subscribe to any update service;
  • participate in social media functions on the site;
  • enter information on certain pages on the site;
  • login using your social media profile;
  • contact us by phone or email; or
  • participate in a lottery, auction, competition, or promotion.

This information may include your date of birth, name, email address, phone number, and social media profile details); transaction details, purchase history, and items saved on your basket; payment information and bank details such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, as well as billing and shipping details; and any other information we may ask in connection with promotional offers or other marketing activities. Information we collect using cookies and other tracking technologies relating to your use of our website and to your experience using our website (including the full URL clickstream to, through, and from our site, download errors, methods used to browse away from each page, any phone number used to call our customer service number, device information, IP address, usage, and location data). In basic terms, we will collect as much information about your use of our website as we possibly can. In our experience, this is the best way of improving the experience of visitors to the website. Oh, and just because other websites don’t tell you that they do this, doesn’t mean that they don’t! The tools which we use to monitor the functioning of our website collect certain data which users enter when interacting with that website, including personal data such as IP addresses, even if those users do not complete a purchase, post a comment, submit a review, enter a lottery or competition, bid in an auction, or complete any other type of interaction with our website. We will never record passwords or credit card details in this way. Information we receive from other sources, such as when somebody buys a gift for you on our site and from partners, we jointly offer services with or from advertisers, about your interactions with them. This may comprise your name, geographic location, age, shopping habits, user-generated content (such as blogs and social media postings), social media username, or other social media profile information (such as number of followers), in each case as permitted by law. We rely on the lawful basis for processing (which could be the consent you give to third parties) prior to us receiving that information for processing. Refer to the third-party privacy statements of each of the websites you interact with for further details of that party’s processing.  



We use the information you give to us to:

  • process any order that you make and make sure you have a great experience using our services. The personal information you submit during your registration or while placing an order will only be used for the purpose of processing your orders unless you also opt in to receive a newsletter or marketing emails. We won’t use such data for marketing or other purposes unless you give us your permission to do so;
  • to provide customer service and support and to respond to your queries and requests;
  • notify you that you have been selected as a winner of a contest or sweepstake (or to confirm your entry to future competitions or events);
  • protect and prevent fraud;
  • enable our experts to conduct data analysis to help us improve our services and advertising, including showing you our adverts as you browse the web. We also anonymize and aggregate personal information (so that it does not identify you) and use it for purposes including testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our site and app, and developing new products and services. 
  • we may also send locally hashed data to trusted third parties (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.) to send you personalized advertising on those platforms  that you are already a member of and to help us create so-called “lookalike audiences” and/or “custom audiences” which will help us send relevant advertising to existing users of those platforms who may have similar taste in drinks and spirits; and
  • keep you updated on our latest announcements or send you marketing information about us and our products. If you would like to change your communication preferences or if you no longer want to be part of our mailing list, please either log into your account or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view let us know.


We use the information we collect to:

  • administer our site and improve your browsing experience, including tailoring content offered to you;
  • defend our rights or property and protect the rights and interests of our consumers and users; and
  • as part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure.


We use the information we receive from other sources to:

  • combine it with information you give to us and information we collect about you for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive). These are companies approved by you, such as social media sites.

In accordance with the law, we will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was provided. We keep this data under periodic review to ensure it is still necessary for us to retain it. If reasonably necessary or required to meet legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions, we may also keep hold of some of your information as required, even after you have closed your account, or it is no longer needed to provide the services to you. We suspect that it won’t come as a galloping shock to you to learn that we record our incoming and outgoing telephone conversations with our customers and other third parties. We do so for the purposes of crime prevention, and in a way which is consistent with guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office. All telephone records will be deleted from our records 6 months after the date of the relevant conversation. We reserve the right to share telephone records with law enforcement agencies, and we may also use those records for training purposes but will otherwise keep them strictly confidential. 



We may share your personal information with our affiliated companies and with trusted, strategic partners that help us run our business and improve our services and your customer experience, including matters such as warehousing and delivery, credit card and data processing, marketing and advertising, IT hosting and market research, and any trends, patterns or behaviors which might be useful to us in improving our website, content, and advertising.   To ensure the security of your transactions and prevent or detect fraudulent transactions, we may also share your information with our fraud screening partners. We won’t otherwise share your personal data unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. 

Be aware that our site includes social network plugins and links to third-party content (including videos hosted by other sites), so certain data (your current IP address, e-mail address, pages, or sites you visit after you leave our site, and the date and time) is forwarded to these social media services and third-party sites even if you are not registered with them. If you are already logged into the social media service when you click on the social media button, the social media service may also use this data to identify your username and possibly even your real name. Unfortunately, we have no control over the extent, nature, and purpose of such data processing or their privacy practices – we suggest you review their privacy statements to make sure you are comfortable with the way they use your information as well. 

You can rest assured that we’ll only disclose your information for the specific purposes mentioned above and that your data security is being taken care of. These third parties are bound to process your personal data only on our strict instructions and, even then, only when they can offer adequate technical and organizational measures to protect it. We may also disclose your personal information as necessary to protect the security and integrity of our site according to the law; if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets to a third party; or as required or authorized by law. As part of our participation in Google’s Certified Shops Programme, certain information relating to transactions undertaken on our website will be collected and processed by Google. We provide transaction information to Google to demonstrate that we deliver orders on time, have a low occurrence of customer issues, and resolve customer issues quickly. As part of our participation in Trustpilot’s consumer review service, certain personal data of our customers is processed by Trustpilot for the purposes of obtaining and making available feedback regarding the quality of our customer service. Trustpilot is under a contractual obligation to implement the necessary security measures to ensure that our customer’s personal data is not lost, altered, damaged, accessed by unauthorized persons, misused, or otherwise treated in violation of data protection law.


We may transfer your personal information to service providers and strategic partners located in countries other than the one in which you live (only to the extent that it is necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined above). But worry not; we will take appropriate steps to provide an adequate level of protection using the standards set within the EEA as a minimum. No matter where you reside, your data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy and as required by the law.



We adopt technical and organizational measures to protect your data as comprehensively as possible. In addition to the commitment of our employees to secrecy and a careful selection and monitoring of our service providers, who are bound to comply with high-security standards for the protection of your personal data, we also secure our operating environment adequately. To protect your data against unwanted access, we use data encryption. Data collected from this site will be passed between your computer and our server and vice versa via the internet using SHA256withRSA 2048 bit TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption. In order to secure the transmission of sensitive bank and credit card details and to protect data from abusive use we utilize in-transit encryption (SSL, Secure Socket Layer). Credit card data stored in our database is also encrypted using RSA 2048-bit encryption.



If you wish to exercise any of your statutory rights relating to data we hold about you, please get in touch by filling out this form. We use the OneTrust portal to help us deal with all data-related requests so that we can deal with your query as thoroughly and promptly as possible. The form includes all of the information we require in order to deal with your request and includes a section where you can also insert any other details or questions you may have for us. Once we receive the form, you will receive an automated response from OneTrust. Thereafter, rest assured that we will be handling your request personally and we will let you know when we have completed the request. If you have any questions about filling out the form or encounter problems submitting it, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to help. If you would like to exercise any of your statutory rights relating to data we hold about you, please fill out this form here to let us know.  Once we get all the information, we need to process your request, your request will be investigated by our Data Protection Officer.  A response will then be provided in writing within a reasonable period (we will always try to ensure this is no longer than within one month, but we may inform you should we need more time to process your request in certain circumstances). We promise that we will follow procedures so that we can deal fairly and promptly with your request.



If you no longer want to receive marketing information from us, simply follow the ‘unsubscribe instantly’ link in any e-mail we send to you or just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your request. Please bear in mind that even if you opt out, we may continue to send you information that relates to any account or business relationship you may still have with us (for example, a request you have made about one of our lip-smacking whiskies). If you are seeking to exercise any of your statutory rights or if you have any comments, queries, or complaints about our collection or use of your personal information, please get in touch by filling out this form. We use the OneTrust portal to help us deal with all data-related requests so that we can deal with your query as thoroughly and promptly as possible. The form includes all the information we require in order to deal with your request and includes a section where you are welcome to insert any other details or questions you may have for us. Once we receive the form, you will receive an automated response from OneTrust. Thereafter, rest assured that we will be handling your request personally and we will let you know when we have completed the request. If you have any questions about filling out the form or encounter problems submitting it, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to help.

Please be aware that the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Any transmission of your data to our website is at your own risk.


We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review.

Please check back frequently for updates or changes to the privacy policy.

Home of the Vanakki Distillery